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Mega menu

Configurable mega menu

Our mega menu is highly configurable to help you create the look you want for you menus with ease.

Show sub categories

Show menu item children to help visitors locate the products they need with fewer clicks.

Show featured brands

Show 1 or more columns of featured brands on your menus to help brand focussed visitors locate branded items with ease.

Show quick link icons

Show 1 or more columns of quick link icons to help visotors to navigate to popular categories.

Show a feature section

Show a HTML designed feature section on your menus to provide department specific marketing.

Show images

Show menu item images to help visitors navigate the menu with ease.

HTML menu

For maximum control you can design your menus in HTML to override the default menu display.

Hide categories

Hide active categories from your menus where the categories are used for other functions so not applicable to the menu.

Configurable mega menu

Our mega menu is highly configurable to help you create the look you want for you menus with ease.

Show sub categories

Show menu item children to help visitors locate the products they need with fewer clicks.

Show featured brands

Show 1 or more columns of featured brands on your menus to help brand focussed visitors locate branded items with ease.

Show quick link icons

Show 1 or more columns of quick link icons to help visotors to navigate to popular categories.

Show a feature section

Show a HTML designed feature section on your menus to provide department specific marketing.

Show images

Show menu item images to help visitors navigate the menu with ease.

HTML menu

For maximum control you can design your menus in HTML to override the default menu display.

Hide categories

Hide active categories from your menus where the categories are used for other functions so not applicable to the menu.

Mega menu

Configurable mega menu

Our mega menu is highly configurable to help you create the look you want for you menus with ease.

Show sub categories

Show menu item children to help visitors locate the products they need with fewer clicks.

Show featured brands

Show 1 or more columns of featured brands on your menus to help brand focussed visitors locate branded items with ease.

Show quick link icons

Show 1 or more columns of quick link icons to help visotors to navigate to popular categories.

Show a feature section

Show a HTML designed feature section on your menus to provide department specific marketing.

Show images

Show menu item images to help visitors navigate the menu with ease.

HTML menu

For maximum control you can design your menus in HTML to override the default menu display.

Hide categories

Hide active categories from your menus where the categories are used for other functions so not applicable to the menu.

Configurable mega menu

Our mega menu is highly configurable to help you create the look you want for you menus with ease.

Show sub categories

Show menu item children to help visitors locate the products they need with fewer clicks.

Show featured brands

Show 1 or more columns of featured brands on your menus to help brand focussed visitors locate branded items with ease.

Show quick link icons

Show 1 or more columns of quick link icons to help visotors to navigate to popular categories.

Show a feature section

Show a HTML designed feature section on your menus to provide department specific marketing.

Show images

Show menu item images to help visitors navigate the menu with ease.

HTML menu

For maximum control you can design your menus in HTML to override the default menu display.

Hide categories

Hide active categories from your menus where the categories are used for other functions so not applicable to the menu.

Mega menu

Configurable mega menu

Our mega menu is highly configurable to help you create the look you want for you menus with ease.

Show sub categories

Show menu item children to help visitors locate the products they need with fewer clicks.

Show featured brands

Show 1 or more columns of featured brands on your menus to help brand focussed visitors locate branded items with ease.

Show quick link icons

Show 1 or more columns of quick link icons to help visotors to navigate to popular categories.

Show a feature section

Show a HTML designed feature section on your menus to provide department specific marketing.

Show images

Show menu item images to help visitors navigate the menu with ease.

HTML menu

For maximum control you can design your menus in HTML to override the default menu display.

Hide categories

Hide active categories from your menus where the categories are used for other functions so not applicable to the menu.

Configurable mega menu

Our mega menu is highly configurable to help you create the look you want for you menus with ease.

Show sub categories

Show menu item children to help visitors locate the products they need with fewer clicks.

Show featured brands

Show 1 or more columns of featured brands on your menus to help brand focussed visitors locate branded items with ease.

Show quick link icons

Show 1 or more columns of quick link icons to help visotors to navigate to popular categories.

Show a feature section

Show a HTML designed feature section on your menus to provide department specific marketing.

Show images

Show menu item images to help visitors navigate the menu with ease.

HTML menu

For maximum control you can design your menus in HTML to override the default menu display.

Hide categories

Hide active categories from your menus where the categories are used for other functions so not applicable to the menu.
If you would like to find out more about our services why not book a call with one of our parts experts?
The call will be for just 30 mins where we will discuss your needs and recommend next steps.
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If you would like to find out more about our services why not book a call with one of our parts experts?
The call will be for just 30 mins where we will discuss your needs and recommend next steps.
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Your email*
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Company name*
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